With over a decade of experience writing resumes and with credentials from the most respected professional associations, I have specialized knowledge that I put to work on every resume. Today, I share some resume secrets that I have accumulated over the years.Resumes are marketing documents. Your resume is first an honest record of your past employment; but it is also a marketing document. Just like any product brochure, it...
Everyone is emailing resumes these days—but are they doing it correctly? Here are a few rules to follow when you are emailing your resume.Send your resume in the format requested in the job posting. Usually this will be Word or .txt format (not .pdf unless specifically requested).Make sure you are using the correct email address. If you make any mistake in the recipient’s address, the email will not arrive—and you may not b...
Today I'm focusing on three resume mistakes that are easily avoided - and all too common.Resume Mistake 1: Too much capitalizationI often see this problem on technical resumes, where every noun from Customer to Technology is capitalized. Save capitals for proper names, official names and titles, like ABC Company versus "the company" or Southwest Regional Manager versus "the manager."Professional resume writers know that, if...
I went searching through the internet today and found some fascinating resume facts that I thought I’d share with you, along with some advice on what those facts mean for you.Fact: Currently, over 90% of resumes are sent by email or posted online.What It Means to You: Your resume should be in the best format (not .pdf!) for sending by email and posting online. You also need a professional email address (recruiters are put o...
At some point in your career, you may be ready for the responsibilities and challenges of managing other people. The company where you work may not recognize that moment as quickly as you do. If you feel you must move on to move up into management, Robin’s Resumes® can help.Here are a few things you can do to strengthen your resume for applying for management positions:Attend courses, webinars, and seminars that focus on ma...
Recently, the Harvard Business Review published some interesting statistics on jobs of the future. They focused on the category of “contingent workers,” those who are independent contractors, consultants, and freelancers. By pulling together research from several sources, they found that the average company currently hires nearly 35% of its staff as contingent workers; the category is growing; and it currently involves abou...
You could inscribe your resume on a gold bar and deliver it in a Lamborghini—but the company you are applying to will still hire the individual who has the right set of skills, accomplishments, knowledge, and experience. You could simply shout from the rooftops that you are the best prepared, best organized, highest potential, most focused candidate for the job—but every company still wants proof in the form of actual accom...
Have you been out of work a long time or are thinking about transitioning into a new job? It is definitely possible to re-enter the workforce after a long absence or in a brand new role. Your value to a company will be clear if you take some of the following steps:•Take professional/academic courses to keep you current with your profession.•Volunteer because volunteer work also involves skills and accomplishments.•Network—y...
Slowly, resumes are changing to reflect changes in the ways people search for jobs.Change: Job applicants are more tied into technology. Worldwide IT provider Cisco recently published the “Cisco Connected World Technology Report.” They found that “most professionals use two to three work and personal devices in their daily lives” and “most respondents believe their most important device in 2020 will be a smartphone.”Result:...
When you submit your resume for a position in a highly technical field, you are never sure who is going to read it or make the final decision to bring you in for an interview. You are never sure who has selected the keywords for the job posting and the automated Applicant Tracking System (ATS). And you are can never sure how much experience the company as a whole has with your specialty.As a chemical engineer with a degree...