RedCastle Resources was established in 1998 to support onsite work at the USDA Forest Service, Goespatial Technology & Applications Center (GTAC) in Salt Lake City, Utah, and the majority of our approximately 70 technical staff still work at this facility. We also have staff working in USDA Forest Service locations in Fort Collins, Colorado and Missoula, Montana. Through its contracts with the Forest Service, RedCastle Resources staff have supported every level of the Forest Service from the Washington Office to Regional, Forest Supervisor, and District Offices across the country. In addition, RedCastle Resource’s staff have a long history of providing technical support to USFS researchers and the USFS International Programs (IP). While working for IP, RedCastle Resources has developed significant experience supporting international geospatial and remote sensing applications and international capacity building for forest monitoring. Recent international support activities have included participants from Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Bhutan, Ethiopia, Zambia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Botswana, Peru, Mexico, and Costa Rica.
Personalized Professional Geospatial Service
RedCastle Resources is a small, innovative company specializing in forestry and natural resource management applications of geospatial data, particularly remote sensing imagery. This core competency is augmented by a talented group of training specialists who build capacity in partner organizations by designing, producing, and conducting training in a wide variety of geospatial topics. As a necessary part of these core business functions, RedCastle Resources is also experienced in designing and building the information systems necessary to manage, analyze, and disseminate large geospatial datasets.
Work for RedCastle Resources
RedCastle Resources is proud to have an enthusiastic, energetic, and intelligent staff. We have employees with 25 years experience and less than 1-year experience, PhDs and Bachelor degrees. If you have a passion for natural resources and think you would enjoy working in and contributing to this highly collaborative and supportive professional environment, please consider applying for a position with us.